Flag quiz.
Download FlagQuiz desktop application (Windows 64bit) | Download FlagQuiz source code (Lazarus/Free Pascal) |
Description: Quiz, consisting in guessing the country corresponding to a given national flag. The countries
to be used during the quiz depend on the .fqz file selected (you may choose a such file by using the Open
command in the Quiz menu). To do the quiz: Select a file, change the country name language to German if you
prefer, push the Start button and for each flag displayed, select the country name in the combobox and push
Check. The number of correct and false answers and the success percentage are updated after each answer.
Files provided include: flags of the world (all and a 25 countries selection), flags of Europe (all and a 25 countries selection), flags
of Africa, Asia, North and Central America, South America, Australia and Oceania.
In the Tools menu, you find an item that you may use to create your own .fqz files. Choose one of the included
files as a template (if your quiz should include countries from all around the world, choose world.fqz), select the countries, that you wish
be part of the quiz and push the Save button. If you want, you can register .fqz files being associated with
FlagQuiz; you then can run a given quiz by simply double-clicking the .fqz file.
Change log:
Version 1.0 (January 2018): Original program.
Version 2.0 (March-September 2021):
- Options menu, replacing the Language menu: countries language selection.
- New Tools menu: 1. custom quiz creation; 2. .fqz files registration.
- Some general modifications (fontsize, dialog boxes instead of popups, usage of LazUTF8 methods...).
Free Pascal features: Usage of the Open and Save As dialogs. Retrieving the selected item in a listbox. Reading
from the Windows registry. Usage of TFileAssociation (class of the package FileAssociation, available at
https://packages.lazarus-ide.org/ or installable via the Lazarus Online Package Manager). Retrieving the path of an associated file, that
by being double-clicked, has launched the application.
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